图17     与管子外部连接通道里的管地电位(PSP)和电流
三、            结论
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5. K.J. Kennelley, L. Bone, and M. E. Orazem, “Current and Potential Distribution on a Coated Pipeline with Holidays: 1. Model and Experimental Verification”, Corrosion, 49 (1993), 199-210.
6. M.E. Orazem, K. J. Kennelley, and L. Bone, “Current and Potential Distribution on a Coated Pipeline with Holidays: 2. A Comparison ofthe Effects of Discrete and Distributed Holidays”, Corrosion, 49 (1993), 211-219.
7. M.E. Orazem, J. M. Esteban, K. J. Kennelley, and R. M. Degerstedt, “Mathematical Models for Cathodic Protection of an Underground Pipeline with Coating Holidays: 1. Theoretical Development”, Corrosion, 53 (1997), 264-272.
8. M.E. Orazem, J. M. Esteban, K. J. Kennelley, and R. M. Degerstedt, “Mathematical Models for Cathodic Protection of an Underground Pipeline with Coating Holidays” 2. Case Studies of Parallel Anode CP Systems”, Corrosion, 53 (1997), 427-436.
9. J. Morgan, Cathodic Protection, Second Edition, NACE, 1959.
11. K.G. Compton, “Corrosion of buried pipes and cables, techniques of study, survey and mitigation”, Underground corrosion, Proceedings Symposium ASTM Williamsburg, 26-27 Nov. 1979.
12. NACE Corrosion Basics, an introduction, NACE, 1984.
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